Today (4/8) you will investigate the properties of the 3 main types of rocks, Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous, and identify 15 unknown samples based on those properties. ROCK ON!
1) Visit the "Rock Hounds" website and investigate 3 types of rocks; Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous Rocks. Answer the following for each rock type
A) How is each rock type formed?
B) What did each rock type used to be?
C) Describe where you would most likely find each rock type or it's origin.
2) Visit the "Rock Identification" website and complete the following:
A) Make a table of the three rock types, their textures and their structures/shapes
B) Complete the "Online Rock Exercise" at the bottom of the webpage and identify which rock type, Sedimentary, Metamorphic or Igneous, each image is displaying for Sample #1 - #15.
7th period - Evernote Class
Visit the Types of Rocks page and the Rock Hounds page and complete the following:
1) Make a new note in Evernote titled: Types of Rocks
2) Read the Types of Rocks article and write down the 3 main types of rocks in your notes.
3) Copy and Paste the "Lesson Summary" located at the bottom of the Types of Rocks page into your note
4) Copy and Paste the image of the Rock Cycle (Figure 4.7) into your note and explain how each rock type can become another type. For example, how does sedimentary rock become metamorphic rock?
5) Make a voice recording that identifies the three types of rocks and at least 1 example of each type. For more examples of rock types check out this site
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